Improv Classes

Improv benefits people of all ages and from all walks of life. It cultivates crucial life skills, including communication, teamwork, public speaking, self-confidence, active listening, problem-solving, empathy, and creativity. In short, improv gives you the skills you need for life, work, and stage!

Our classes are transformative. Click on the tabs below to explore our improv classes – we have something for everyone!

The perfect place for beginners to start! A fun, energetic, supportive, and 100% hands-on introduction to improvisational theater. This class covers all the fundamentals of improvisation through a series of fun exercises and games designed to help you unlock your inner creativity!

Improvisation is not only for budding actors and comedians. You don’t have to be extroverted either. In this class, you will learn to turn mistakes into opportunities, focus on being present, and work collaboratively with others. A great way to break out of your comfort zone and meet other fascinating people in the process.


Cost: 15€ (pay on the spot) / 10€ (register and pay in advance)
Date: 24.4.2024
Time: 19:00 – 20:30
Location: Funnylicious Theater
Class size: 6 – 12 people
Total class hours: 1.5 hours


Please register in advance. We want to keep you informed in case of any last-minute changes.


Yes, in simple and easy-to-understand English.

Yes! This class is perfect for absolute beginners.

Absolutely! Improv skills are excellent for shy and introverted people.

Yes! Try one or as many as you like without committing to a full term.

Sorry, we have a no-observer policy in order to provide a safe and supportive environment for all participants.

Curious about “short-form improv”? It’s a fun, popular style you might have seen on the TV show “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” – full of quick, funny games and scenes that are totally made up on the spot!

This class is great for anyone who loves a good laugh, spontaneity, and quick thinking. It’s especially beginner-friendly, so don’t worry if you’re new to improv or acting. Whether you’re just starting out or have some experience, you’ll fit right in. Each session is its own adventure, covering everything from creating scenes and characters to building stage presence and storytelling skills.

What happens in a class? We begin with warm-up games to loosen up, followed by a variety of short-form improv scenes and exercises. These activities are all about improving performance skills and getting comfy with improv basics.


Cost: 15€ (pay on the spot) / 12€ (pay in advance during registration)
Day: Every Monday (except on public holidays)
Time: 19:00 – 20:30
Location: Funnylicious Theater
Class size: 6 – 12 people
Total class hours: 1.5 hours


Please register in advance. We want to keep you informed in case of any last-minute changes.


Yes, in simple and easy-to-understand English.

Yes! This class is perfect for absolute beginners.

Absolutely! Improv skills are excellent for shy and introverted people.

Yes! Try one or as many as you like without committing to a full term.

Sorry, we have a no-observer policy in order to provide a safe and supportive environment for all participants.

What is long-form improv?

If short-form is a series of games and scenes à la “Whose lines is it anyway”, then long-form is closest to the traditional theatre albeit without scripts, directors, and set design. There are many formats under the long-form umbrella. If you find storytelling, character work, performing, and acting exciting, then this class is for you.

You will learn multiple aspects of improv performance, including communicating with an audience, creating and working as an ensemble, and stagecraft.
Students in this class are selected to perform with Funnylicious in our monthly mainstage shows in Bratislava.

Pre-requisite: Previous acting / improv experience / instructor approval.


Cost: 15€
Date: Every Tuesday
Time: 19:00 – 20:30
Location: Bratislava
Class size: 6 – 8 people
Total class hours: 1.5 hours


Please register in advance. We want to keep you informed in case of any last-minute changes.

Our kids and teens classes are designed to boost your child’s creativity, develop their talents, and teach them vital life skills they will need and use as they grow up through age-appropriate improv games and exercises. Your child will learn to think on their feet, develop storytelling skills, sharpen their social skills, and enjoy working in a group environment.

Gift your child the joy of improv and watch them flourish with skills that accompany them through life’s journey.

Learn more

Register NOW to secure your child’s spot!


Cost: 10€ per class
Date: Every Tuesday
Time: 16:00 – 17:00 (teens), 17:30 – 18:30 (kids)
Venue: Mickiewiczova 4, 811 07 Bratislava
Class size: 8 – 12 students
Language: English (minimum English level required: B1 / pre-intermediate)


Please register in advance. We want to keep you informed in case of any last-minute changes.

Tento otvorený tréning je ideálny pre začiatočníkov a verejnosť. Ponúka príležitosť vyskúšať si improvizáciu v zábavnej a podporujúcej atmosfére. Je vhodný pre introvertov aj pre tých, ktorí chcú zlepšiť sebavedomie a verejné vystúpenia.

Na tréningu sa zameriavame na zábavné cvičenia a hry, ktoré rozvíjajú kreativitu, učia ako využiť chyby vo svoj prospech, byť prítomný v momente a spolupracovať s ostatnými. Je to skvelý spôsob, ako opustiť svoju komfortnú zónu a spoznať nových ľudí. Pridajte sa k nám a objavte radosť z improvizácie!


Poplatky: 10€ (platba za jednotlivú hodinu)
Kedy: Každý štvrtok
Čas: 18:30 do 20:00
Kde: Mickiewiczova 4, 81107 Bratislava
Jazyk: Slovenčina


Prosím, zaregistrujte sa vopred, pred príchodom na hodinu.

Súčastné otázky


Áno! Otvorené tréningové zasadnutie je ideálne pre úplných začiatočníkov.

Absolútne! Schopnosti improvizácie sú vynikajúce pre hanblivých a introvertných ľudí.

Áno! Vyskúšajte jednu alebo koľko chcete.

Ľutujeme, ale neumožňujeme prítomnosť pozorovateľov, aby sme zabezpečili bezpečné a podporné prostredie pre všetkých účastníkov.

“Improv has helped me heal psychologically and rediscover all the emotions I thought I had lost.

Improv has given me a safe space to feel free to be myself again. I’m doing things I could never imagine I would be able to do just a year ago.

Joining Funnylicious has been the biggest highlight of the Bratislava chapter of my life.

Just like everything beautiful that happens is also spontaneous. I’m so happy to have found this community”.
Esin Bozdag